Dispute Resolution

(last update on 04.01.2018)



If you have a complaint that we have not been able to resolve together, remember that the online consumer dispute resolution service has been established by law! There is an online platform where you can find the list of bodies you can contact to open an online dispute resolution procedure. You can find all the information at the following address http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/

For any further information, do not hesitate to contact our customercare at customercare@lfdl.it


Pursuant to art. 14 of Regulation 524/2013, the user is informed that in the event of a dispute he can submit a complaint via the European Union ODR platform which can be reached at the following link http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ . The ODR platform constitutes an access point for users who wish to resolve disputes arising from sales or online service contracts out of court.

For further information contact: customercare@lfdl.it .